fort-, forc-
(Latin: brave; power, strength, strong)
"The musical passage was marked to be performed loudly or in forté.
2. Etymology: from Italian, literally "strong, loud"; from Latin fortis, "strong"."The warrior who wore a fortified suit of armor had a better chance of surviving during battles."
2. Consuming or doing something that strengthens a person's health: "Those who eat properly and exercise regularly, usually live a more fortified life than those who don't."2. Those who strengthen or invigorate others mentally or physically: "The physical educators were known as fortifiers who improved the health and intellectual well-being of their students."
2. To strengthen or to reinforce the structure of something: "Because of the threat of flooding, efforts were being made to fortify the sea wall."
3. To add further ingredients to food or drink in order to improve its flavor or to add nutrients: "The food producer was fortifying its cereals with more vitamins."
It was taking a lot of fortitude for Jim to remain cheerful even while he was suffering from so much pain and discomfort.
Fortitude is an inner strength, willpower, and courage; however, there are some writers who use the term with reference to physical strength, stamina, or endurance; which is not quite what fortitude is supposed to mean.

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"The soldiers attacked the fortress at dawn; however, they were unable to defeat the defenders."
"In earlier times, some castles became fortresses in order to defend villages or towns."
"In the Middle Ages in Western Europe, fortresses were constructed as fortified castles for feudal lords, fortified cities, and monasteries and in the 13th and 14th centuries in France alone, it is stated that there were about 50,000 castles and monasteries that existed as fortresses."
2. A term that has been extended to mean a person or place that can resist outside influences or disturbances: "During these difficult economic times, the parents have proven that they are fortresses of comfort and support for their children.""The people felt the need to fortress their town by constructing a fortress so they could defend themselves against attacks by wandering groups of thieves and killers."
Seneca, in De Providentia, warns us that there will be trouble in our lives and we must learn to come to grips with it, telling us that "life is not a bowl of cherries".
Motto of the Order of St. George, Bavaria, Germany.
2. Inclined to encourage a response by means of a positive stimulus: By using special treats as reinforceable tidbits or goodies for Mary's dog, she was able to teach it to sit down, roll over, or lie down on command!